Gallery 2 (personal, stock, assignment)
35mm color transparencies scanned to digital Tif files
click image for enlarged view

my daughter and friends having a friendly snow ball fight tripod, purple grad on sky

I tried for a different take on a sunset Locarno Beach tripod, grads

long lens, tripod, grads, underexposure

Wreck Beach tripod, grads & a loving couple

my friend and his son

I love silhouette's and the body language they express-this one is a little crowded with some overlapping figures-life sometimes is a little messy

there was something about the geometry, reflections and warmth of this building on University Blvd in Toronto that caught my eye tripod, warming filter, long lens, deep aperture this piece was sold to Getty Images a stock photography company

Paris it's all about the mixed light, uncorrected incandescent and fluorescent sources on daylight balanced film

something struck me about this lonely office worker off the Burrard bridge

framing devices can sometimes work-in hindsight I should have included the top of this rock opening on Chesterman beach